June - Garden of Eden
July - Cain & Abel
August-Cedars of Lebanon
(Click on the Picture for Instructions)
November BOM - David & Goliath
(click on the picture)
December - Ruins of Jericho
February - "Children of Israel"
(Click on the picture)
Please contact me if you have any questions -I'm happy to help.
Here’s to another year of fun !
June - Garden of Eden
Questions? Call or e-mail and I will be happy to help.
Here’s to another year of fun !
2023 - 2024
First Ladies of the White House
Join us as we learn about some of our country’s early First Ladies and the historic blocks bearing their names. So much of our country’s history can be seen in the quilt blocks our foremothers created. Everything in their daily life was food for inspiration, from the Hens and Chickens & Broken Dishes to Kansas Troubles & Arkansas Crossroads; from Rose of Sharon & Tree of Life to the Friendship Star & Album Quilts.
Traditional blocks often had more than one name or variation. Pattern names depended on the seamstress and was all word of mouth. Written records didn’t start until the Ladies Art Company (est. 1889) first began to publish a catalog of quilt patterns with names. I’ve tried to make my block choices based on how far back I can trace a pattern or the most popular design from the time.
All blocks will finish at 12”. If you want a unified look, a fat quarter bundle along with the same background is an option. Or start searching your stash now for a group of coordinating fabrics.
Patterns will be posted to our website the first of the month. As always, every month’s completed block earns a ticket for the end-of-year prize raffle. Just send a picture or bring your block to our general meeting. Can’t wait to see what you create!
Questions? Call or e-mail and I will be happy to help.
Here’s to another year of fun !
2022 - 2023
Welcome to a new year of Block of the Month. This year’s theme will be Disappearing Blocks. Start with a very basic block, cut it into smaller pieces, rearrange them, and sew into a new, more complex pattern.
Questions? Call or e-mail and I will be happy to help.
Here’s to another year of fun !