Welcome to all of our new members and hello again to our returning friends. Here is a brief overview of YOUR CQALIBRARY and how it works! Please visit with us at the next meeting and see what we have to offer you.

The CQA Library consists of 20 crates divided into 14 different categories. We store our library crates by asking members to take a crate or two home with them and return it at the next meeting. Your reward is a WAYS & MEANS RAFFLETICKET for each crate that is returned. Be sure to get your ticket before the break has ended. A library member will gladly take the crates to your car and retrieve them the next month. For easy loading of the crates, you may bring your car to the front entrance of the building after the meeting and a librarian will put the crate into your car.

A Library member will be there to take the crates from you when it is returned. The phone numbers of the library committee members are located on the library crates. Any one of them should be called if you cannot return a crate to the monthly meeting.

All library books are listed on the CQA website. By clicking on LIBRARY you may search for books sorted alphabetically by title. In most browsers, typing Ctrl F will bring up a search window in which you may specify an author or category. You may reserve a checked out book by filling out a RESERVE SLIP provided by any librarian. There are also additional books held in our archive storage. Those are also listed on the CQA website and need to be requested thru the library.

  • To check out a book, fill out the card found in the front pocket with your name, phone number and date. You may give the card to any librarian.
  • To return a book, place it in the white wire basket.
  • MEMBERS ONLY are allowed to check out TWO BOOKS each month. Books are due back the next month. NOVELS may be kept for two months. All books may be renewed by calling anyone on the library committee. Our phone numbers may be found on the website.


Sue Rapose                              Nancy Sullivan

Sharon  Battocchio                  Sue McWaters

Linda Wilkinson                      Vicki Hutter