Come Join the Fun!
- Quilt Challenge: "Name That Tune"
- Wonderful Raffle Baskets
- Boutique Items for Sale
Click on this link for the Entry Form and please read the Guidelines.
Quilt Show Notes keep us “Stitching in Harmony”
In response to recent show questions, the following information is provided to help all members find a way to participate in the April 20, 2024 show.
Although our show theme is musical, ALL kinds of quilts will be shown and don’t require musical inspiration. You may enter as many quilts as you wish. We will show as many quilts as space allows.
An entry fee will be applied to general entries ($25 for one quilt and $40 for two quilts) to help recover show expenses. However, in return for the entry fee you will receive a ticket(s) to the show and raffle tickets. There is no entry fee for Challenge, Workshop or Block of the Month entries.
Entry forms may be turned in at monthly CQA meetings beginning December 12, 2023 through March 12, 2024. Include the inspiration for your quilt and attach a photo. If your quilt is not finished by the entry deadline of March 12th but you
plan to have it ready for the show, please make appropriate notes on the entry form. We want to know how many quilts to expect and appreciate timely entries.
To print the entry form, click here. Each quilt entered requires its own paper entry form to be attached to the cloth
bag at the time it is delivered; make copies of your original form so you can attach it to each of your entries when they are collected in April.
Tickets for the show will go on sale at the CQA meeting December 12th and will continue to be sold at monthly meetings. You can also purchase tickets in advance
from the CQA website:
The Show Committee is seeking items for the Boutique. If you have a new spool of thread, notions, rulers, patterns, small tools, etc. to offer, please bring it to a CQA monthly meeting by March 14, 2024. The next meeting of the Quilt Show Committee will be Monday, January 15
beginning at 10 a.m. at the Ventura Dudley House; any CQA member interested in helping is welcome to attend.
If you have questions, please contact Cheryl Collart, Show coordinator ( or 805.746.0931 or in person at monthly general meeting.
MEMBERS - Click Here for More Instructions
Enjoy the pictures from our last Quilt Show . . .